Pollution License Registration
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- Pollution License Registration
When a company potentially generates pollutants like chemical wastage, detergent washing, smoke, or medical wastes, then you need to apply to the pollution control board and register the Pollution License. Central Pollution Control Board has specified pollution into 4 categories. The Red categories include industries like big manufacturers, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and so on. The Orange category involves a medium-sized organization where there is a high level of pollution. The Green category are those where there is relatively low pollution and lastly the White category where there is practically no pollution. It is recommended to consult a legal expert for knowing more about Pollution License Registration. They will abide by the rules and regulations that safeguard your business as well as the environment.
Looking for a legal service provider with budget-friendly registration services for your business? Choose Basak Associates as your legal partner and let us take care of all of your legalities while you focus on running the business. Get a free quote today by scheduling an appointment with a Basak Associates advisor.
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