OPC Company Registration

As per Company Act 2013, just 1 director and 1 member can form a company. Unlike a private company, One Person company requires lesser compliances. OPC and the director are two separate entities that grant the company to do everything an entrepreneur can. There are benefits in an OPC like higher interest rates on late payment, less liability and more opportunities, low risks, and minimum requirements for registration. Also, with a systematic process, one can convert OPC to a private limited company.

OPC is a one-owner company and it requires legal expertise to run smoothly and efficiently. Here, Basak Associates comes in as your legal solution partner to care of the entire registration process, hassles free. Let us handle your legal matters and you can do what you do best without any worries. Get a free quote today for your One Person company registration by scheduling an appointment with a Basak Associates advisor.

Why Choose us


Budget-Friendly Services

Basak Associates is a flexible and experienced business consulting firm. We take pride to provide the best possible services in India with cost-effectiveness the other companies can’t match.

Reputation and Trust

We are providing legal business solutions for more than 25 years now. We have gradually built our reputation and now Basak Associates is one of the leading business registration firms in India.

Information Security

We take our client’s security as our top-most priority. Our privacy policy and payment gateways are secure and 100% trust-worthy. That’s why most of our work is repetitive business. We guarantee you will come back!

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